
Saturday, April 23, 2016

Up in Arms!

Despite my tweet…

Since God is the foundation of everything, 
it's going to be so much fun the day science finally proves
and thereby gets to meet its Creator.

                            …I really do like science and scientific explanations for things. In the days of Trivial Pursuit--if my memory is correct--the green questions were my faves. (Green was science, right?)

I've already blogged in Good Vibrations about the science behind the reality of the biomagnetic field or aura. And I don't need science to prove my relationship with Divine Intelligence because science is, in all its genius, still missing the forest for the tress. But since I already know God personally and scientifically as the Quantum Field of Intelligence, I can still appreciate science for keeping me in check when I do explore new ideas; theoretically.

So, when I heard about the idea of spiritual arms (which I guess also have spirit fingers), I wanted a rational explanation to encourage what I was about to undertake. Let me start by saying that it came to my understanding that to experience the subtler fields of energy that are Divine, you had to develop spiritual arms to connect (in a more physical way) with the spiritual flow. In other words, you had to consciously form your biomagnetic field from its current state of unconscious blobyness with imbalances, into a balanced form that has arms, hands (and, hey, why not add wings?!). I'll always admit when I see how something can sound crazy to most, but if you're curious, please indulge yourself further:

To feel the biomagnetic fields of others, it is tremendously helpful to have arms and hands; they allow me to move through and experience such fields with ease and precision. I've been practicing Reiki for about 15 years, and I find it requires a lot more concentration to experience someone else's field with just my body, arms at my side; and then, even when I can feel their field in this way, it's nearly impossible to then feel the differences within their field without lifting my arms. But that wouldn't be a problem if I had spirit arms! But, is such a thing possible? Well, logically speaking, yes.

We all can have certain, real protrusions in our fields that directly follow our personas. If you are a super creative type that doesn’t care too much for the logical world, there is no doubt your biomagnetic field on the right side of your brain is protruding out, such that if it suddenly became solid matter, you'd tip over to that side. If you're a teenager that's hyper-focused on finding a mate, you might have a biomagnetic protrusion of another kind. (Your heart!) And so on. So if we can subconsciously create our protrusions, why not consciously then? I was willing to test my hypothesis, and I didn't hold back; I believed it was possible!

I started by imagining my spirit arms while I was driving; they would start at my sides--seats, doors, and other car parts didn't get in the way--and I would raise them up slowly over my head into what I know as a sun salutation. I'd then lower my imaginary spirit hands into prayer position over my heart, then let my spirit arms fall back down to my sides again. I'm in my car for hours every day, and after a few weeks of practicing this, I begin to feel my spirit arms! For those of you who remember learning Reiki, it's like your first time feeling the biomagnetic field, ever so subtle, but you know it's real and that you aren't imagining things. (For those of you who don't know Reiki, it's like your first time experiencing the feeling of falling in love, and how powerful, different and real that is.)

I can only feel my spiritual arms at about 3% of the strength that I feel my physical arms, but it's enough and encourages me to continue practicing. Since they are spirit arms and therefore limitless in range (as are all magnetic fields), I start expanding my arms--with newly upgraded wings--higher and higher into the sky. Until the day I reach up and feel another set of arms reach down--5% strength--and grab mine, merging with them, the loving energy flowing into my heart, and all of my being disappearing into God's Bliss. (Totally new meaning of driving under the influence.) 

I got to the point where I could feel the physical presence of God in my heart any time I was energetically balanced (physical + mental + emotional + spiritual balance = energetical balance), anytime my mind was clear and still, and anytime I could move my consciousness into my heart. And soon after, I was able to experience Jesus in the same way, but even stronger. And I didn't even have to do a sun salutation with my spirit arms anymore for my connections to happen, so I stopped practicing with them. Then weeks went by and I was no longer able to connect at will. And it wasn't until just recently I realized that I needed to practice with my spirit arms again, for I could no longer feel them either.

Hi, my name is Kurt, and it's been a five days since I started practicing with my spirit arms (with wings) again…


  1. What a beautiful practice. Interested to see how this process unfolds for you.


  2. Thanks, Tate! I've remembered to practice 5 of 7 days a week. Still don't feel my spirit arms yet (like I did), but I have felt the presence of God with me twice in the last week, in a very physical way that held my entire being; great reinforcement to keep practicing!
