
Monday, March 28, 2016

Connecting with Jesus – Into the Great Wide Open

I was fortunate enough to be born mostly open-minded, because if I hadn’t been, or if I’d been born to fearful parents, or into a fearful community, perhaps I never would have experienced any of the following in my search as a Christian seeking a closer, real connection with the Divine:

When, early on, I was just trying to think about God more, I made a point to think about Him whenever I saw a digital time with all the same numbers, like 3:33 or 11:11; it was usually once a day, though could sometimes be more. Then I saw an awesome picture of thousands of Muslims bowing and praying to Allah (God), and learned they did that 5 times a day, religiously. This made me reflect on how many times a day I was turning to God, and made me want to “bow” to Him a lot more, which I then started practicing and continue to practice to this day, with the goal of following Him 100% of the time.

When I first learned Reiki and 30-days later had practiced enough to feel biomagnetic fields (as real as I feel anything else), I thought a lot about what it takes for us to heal and for others to heal us, and admired and appreciated Jesus even more for becoming and being the perfect master of healing on all fronts. I was born knowing of Jesus, but this marked the beginning of me wanting to get to know him more personally; though, for all my desire and faith, he was elusive for me for some time, all-the-while giving me signs that I fully appreciated and that led me onward in my seeking.

When I met my first Buddhist hospice patient and she taught me that her practice had always included nightly meditations on her own death—being at peace with it so that when her actual time came, she could be likewise—I started doing the same, and any and all fear of death quickly disappeared, my faith filling-out, filling-in the newly open spaces.

When I felt my spiritual growth was not moving forward enough, I came upon the book Autobiography of a Yogi, and the fairly-recent stories about the possibilities of the spirit and methods to know God personally reinvigorated my seeking. From there I was led to a spiritual talk about Tao (God), Te, Huang Di and Lao Tse, and learned that the way to mergence with the Creator is by quieting the mind and developing oneself as a spiritual heart; I practiced that until I was able to feel Divine peace. And when they said finding spiritual places of power were helpful in developing further, I opened myself to finding one.

When I was walking through my friends’ new house, I trusted the constant tingling down my spine as we were being shown a favorite room, and when I revisited the room on my own later, I discovered a divine, loving energy flowing through it that over the course of three months tuned and raised my vibration enough to feel God’s presence in my heart.

And when my spiritual group invited a psychic to receive Reiki from the three of us to clear some of the blocks she felt she had, and after the session she informed me that Jesus was there with me, I decided to try and feel him the way I feel God. About a week later, Jesus came in through my heart and filled my entire spirit with a peace and a love that eclipsed everything worldly. And since then, he visits with me whenever I invite him, and I am in the right space, and I can clear my mind and open my heart.

All these things and more because I am fortunate enough to be open-minded, open-hearted, ever seeking The Connection.

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