
Friday, March 25, 2016

Connecting with Jesus – Living Water

My spiritual group was now up-to-speed on all my latest Jesus happenings, so we set a conscious intention to connect with him during our meditation. Soon as the meditation began, my thoughts turned off and I entered my heart where I could feel his presence with me, throughout me, subtle and peaceful.

Then about half-way into the 22 minute meditation, it was as if somebody had suddenly turned the sun on right behind me, and I felt as if I was one with this intense but calming light. Had I opened my eyes to find myself floating a little above my chair, I wouldn’t have been surprised, because that’s how light and free I felt. I was wondering what had caused the shift from subtle to intense. I didn’t have to wait long for a possible answer to present itself.

I know it takes the other two people I meditate with a certain amount of time for their minds to settle down. And, in my experience, thinking is a primary block to experiencing the spiritual. I know Jesus himself was not big on thinking; when he said things like, “Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God,” and, “I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me,” he was essentially saying, “It’s not my thoughts that matter or that make me good, but being with God and doing His will.”

Lying in bed that night I contemplated all of this in Jesus’ presence. Then knowing the answers and what matters, I stopped thinking so I could be fully present with him in my heart and let him influence all of me without any mental distractions. I soon noticed a strong, wide current of loving energy flowing from behind and through my heart. My first experience of what I would describe as living water; I fell asleep wishing to practice feeling this as often as possible…

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