
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Connecting with Jesus – Heart to Heart

Had another Jesus connection today and just noticed a pattern with most of my connections to date; they happen when I am facing another person who has a relationship with Jesus. (The distance has ranged from 4-6 feet, but I’m sure it would happenmaybe with an even stronger sensationif closer.) Here’s what happened today:

I was in a restaurant waiting room with an acquaintance and we were told it was going to be about 15 minutes. We were initially shoulder-to-shoulder in the crowded room, and since we both seemed content to wait silently, I decided to clear my thoughts and go into my heart to look for Jesus. Being in the peace and calm of my silent heart was very enjoyable, but I wasn’t feeling Jesus just yet.

Two sets of people were called and some seats opened up. Soon as I sat down and went into my little “Where’s Jesus?” trance, I felt him! Then I also noticed that I was now sitting directly across the room from my acquaintance. Interesting. I sat very happily with Jesus in silence until we were called for lunch, looking forward to the conversation I was going to start.

“Mind if I ask you some personal questions of a religious nature?”


“I’m guessing you’re a Christian right?”


“Now which would you say is more true for you? You believe in Jesus, or you walk around with him in your heart.”

“Oh! I definitely have a personal relationship with Jesus.”

“Thought so.”

So that now makes three experiences I’ve had with three Jesus lovers where I’ve been facing them and them me, and we were about 4-6 feet away from each other at the time. Shoulder-to-shoulder, no feeling; heart-to-heart, I can feel Jesus is with us. Curious what my next Jesus encounter will be and what else I will learn. I seem to be seeking and finding. Thank you Jesus! Thank you God!

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