
Sunday, March 20, 2016

Connecting with Jesus – Feeling is Knowing

I vividly remember the first time I actually, clearly felt Jesus’ presence, while awake. I’d been in his presence many times in visions within dreams, but that’s a whole other post. But because I had met him before, I knew what it felt like to be in his presence.

To help you understand, imagine what your heart feels like when you’re in the presence of someone you are in love with. You could be having a rotten day, walking down the street with your head down, feeling depressed, but if you happened to suddenly bump into that special someone, the swelling of love in your heart would instantly brighten your entire being, like magic.

Well, a few years ago I was having one of those rotten days. I think I was even muttering to myself a little as I grabbed an overpriced container of half-and-half and walked, head down, toward the convenience store counter. Then I suddenly felt Jesus in my heart, uplifting me, lightning my mood. I was totally surprised until I looked up at the cashier—now in front of me—and saw him wearing a big smile and a “Jesus Loves You!” lanyard around his neck.

Then and since then I have learned that Jesus’ instruction, “where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them,” does not require people to make an announcement, but can also easily and spontaneously happen when those who know Jesus in their hearts simply cross paths.

Just the other day I was having dinner with my wife and close friends. The night started with us arriving with take-out food and us all eagerly sitting down to eat. As I listened to the conversations (non-religious/spiritual), I noticed Jesus in my heart and throughout my entire being, and a lot stronger than I had ever felt him while awake before. My body was vibrating in a pleasant way and I had a huge smile on my face. I was still processing and enjoying what was happening, so I didn’t say anything at the time, but watched as the conversation switched to my friend and I being inspired by a series of great ideas for our beginning spiritual practice (yet another post). We were thrilled!

And I was thrilled because that was when Jesus inspired me to write about our connection that was clearly real and clearly happening on a more frequent basis. The next day I thought about what happened, remembered my “Jesus Loves You!” experience, and considered who else at the dinner table had Jesus in their heart. It was clearly my friend who has a whole display cabinet dedicated to Jesus. This was getting very interesting.

At this point, I’m only one post away before I catch up to my present-day Jesus connections. Excited to see where this all leads…

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