
Monday, June 29, 2015

Good Vibrations

There is much more to you than meets the eye, that influences your health, your happiness, and your connections with others. People tend to focus on the physical, which I guess is no surprise because that is the easiest to perceive and experience; you don’t have to search for the physical, you simply have to look at it or touch it; it’s real. But there are other layers to you that are equally real, and they go deeper than you may realize. And failing to understand them puts you at a disadvantage if you care to increase your health, happiness, and connections.

Actually, if you think about it, you have experienced and do experience one of these other layers. People may say it's a sixth sense or intuition, but it’s much more scientific than that. It explains why when you meet some people they make you feel good even before they open their mouths, while others give you the creeps. It also explains how you can sometimes tell when someone is watching you, even if they are behind you and 30 feet away.

It is a truth of physics that wherever there is an electric current, there is an interactive magnetic field that is caused by and surrounds that current. Furthermore, the range of that field is infinite in space. As human beings, we have little electric currents running all through our bodies. That means you have magnetic fields emanating from you that can interact with the fields of other people, with no limit on their range. Not science fiction, but scientific fact.

So that explains how you know things about people before you actually start conversing with them. It also explains how you can feel it when someone is looking at you, behind you, from a distance. The vibes of the real you, the real everyone, cannot be hidden and are out there for everyone to perceive, consciously or unconsciously. The good news is that the fields are very subtle and fade in intensity with distance, so the more you distance yourself from “energy suckers” or creepers, the less they will affect you. The bad news is that even if you think you are doing well yourself, your own vibes may tell a different story and may be affecting you in ways that are not beneficial. How can you know?

Short of practicing feeling and adjusting your own magnetic fields, you can do things that make them healthier like eating healthy food, exercising, being more of a lover and less of a hater, practicing stress relief, and making real connections with other wonderful people like yourself. If you’re still unsure of the imbalances that may be affecting you, talk to people you respect and trust about this; you’ll be surprised not only by how many people are already aware of all this, but also by how many people you currently know do “energy work”—feeling and balancing human electromagnetic fields.

Interested in hearing more about this? Ask me a question in the comments below. I have been doing energy work for almost 15 years now and have quite a few amazing stories.

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