
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Signs? Signs!

I was visiting with an acquaintance who is actively looking, but undecided, about moving from his current apartment and onto a new adventure in another state. He retrieved his mail and noted he received a religious newsletter that appeared to be for the previous tenant. He studied it over, where it was from, and said aloud to himself, “Hmmm. Charlotte, North Carolina.” I half-joked, “Wonder if that’s a sign from God that you should move to Charlotte?” And he replied something like, “My mom doesn’t believe in signs.”


First, I couldn’t imagine what my life would even be like if I didn’t believe in signs. Take work alone. I’ve been following signs for well over a decade and they have led me to 3 jobs I absolutely love(d), and 1 job that was a year-long, you’re-going-to-suffer-a-lot because-you-need-to-learn-a-lot experience. In thinking about encountering someone who says they don’t believe in signs, I wondered what I might tell them if they asked about my take on them. My mind went philosophical on me:

“We are given what we need. If you are unsure of what direction to head in life, if you take a moment and become aware of what you have been given, then that is exactly what you need to move forward. Like I was given this thought and I took it as my sign that I need to write a blog post about it. And, I guess, generally speaking, people are given a certain number of talents, and that could be taken as their sign to use them. (Get me?)”

I’m now at the point where I want to write more, but signs are not really about wants; they are about needs. And since now, I am not being given anything else to write, I’ll take that as my sign that I must not need to.

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