
Friday, May 6, 2016

How Faith Works

Ever wonder about that…how faith actually works? I’ve seen it work enough that I know it’s real, but I thought it would be fun—and hopefully informative—to explain exactly how faith works its magic.

So there’s you, sitting, reading this, and electric impulses are firing-off in your head and all over your body, and though you maybe can’t feel it yet, those impulses are emitting a biomagnetic field around you that is the average of what you are being right now. If you could feel it, it’d be like physically experiencing corresponding states of water.

If you read this with skepticism, your biomagnetic field is a lot like watery Jello that’s about to set. If you were totally closed-minded when you started reading this, and you just now reaffirmed that you’re not budging, your field is like a block of ice. If you’re curious, your field is like a light, dancing rain. And if you’re totally open, your field is like a pleasant, almost-imperceivable mist.

Now, to understand further, I need you to pretend you are telekinetic and can move any of those water-like forms with your mind. Which form do you imagine would be the easiest to influence? Jello’s so thick and likes to jiggle back to its original mold. Good luck trying to influence the ice block; you’d need an actual sledgehammer or chainsaw for that one. Rain is more easily swayed, but you’d still need a good, strong wind. Mist is so light and weightless, it would easily yield to your telekinetic mind or your natural breathe.

So having faith is most like being an open-minded, light, weightless mist that then has the greatest ability to yield to and be influenced by subtle Divine sways. Yielding your will through the openness of faith allows you to exist within life’s gentler breezes (diminishing the need for strong winds, sledgehammers or chainsaws); if you consciously or unconsciously choose a state that is less yielding, it will be that much harder to guide you to where you want to be. That's how faith works and pays off in every instance you have it, and how it’s blocked off in every instance you don’t. Choose faith!

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