
Saturday, February 28, 2015

Consider This: A Better Way to Navigate Life?

The wisest spirit instructs not to let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. I always took that to mean: consciously do good without wanting anything in return, like putting a tip in the register jar at the coffee shop while the Dunkinista has her back to you. But, today, the idea entered my head that my definition is only a beginner's practice; at a higher level, left hand and right hand are more like the part of you in those instances when you are daydreaming while your left hand surfs the breeze out your driver's side window, contrasted with the part of you that is guiding your right hand in driving the car. The daydreamer, your left hand, in it's need to escape the crazy parts of life, dreams about what can be instead of paying any attention to the road (which is still infinitely safer than texting and driving). Your right hand, the real "person" driving the car, negotiates obstacles and delivers you safely to your destination, until your left hand realizes in surprise, "Oh. I'm here!" If you haven't asked yourself before, ask yourself now, "Who is driving my car while my consciousness is daydreaming about winning the lottery and never working again?" and "How do I allow that intelligence to drive the rest of my life as effortlessly and as care-free?" so you can be constantly and pleasantly surprised in exclaiming, "Oh, wow! I'm here now!" not knowing how your right hand ever guided you there...

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