
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Tuning Into a Better Reality

We experience life on many different wavelengths. For example, think about stereotypical groups of young adults in high school and you can probably easily imagine how it might feel to exist on each group’s wavelength, or at the very least, how the one you exist(ed) on feels, and how all the others feel distinctly different. And how when you’re young, parents are on a completely different wavelength, and grandparents another. I don’t feel like I chose my wavelength back then. Did you get to choose yours? Do you choose yours now?

If your current wavelength has troubling people in it, know that there are other wavelengths where those people cease to appear (as much). I can say that because when I existed on a lower wavelength of fears, it’s inhabitants found me a lot, because I was unwittingly right on their path; people would come up to me, wanting to fight me, for no reason, which I suppose could be normal for high school, but it never felt quite right for me.

30 years later I look back and wonder how that mentality was ever my reality? Whatever wavelength I’m currently on, I know the lower ones with the physically and mentally aggressive individuals still exist, but those paths don’t really seem to cross mine anymore. But I also know, a fight could be only thoughts away, if for some crazy reason I allowed myself to return to the lower wavelengths.

I know people tend to think of heaven or nirvana as something you get to experience after you die, but they too are just other wavelengths available to experience, right now, if you know how to tune into them. Talk to anyone who regularly meditates, does yoga, or communes with nature, and they will let you know that those higher wavelengths are as real as the world we live in, and easily accessible with the right mindset. And if you don’t have time for any of those things, just five minutes of letting all of yourself melt away, except for your peaceful and loving intentions, will give you a taste of what your life could be like with practice.

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